The Personal Reconnection

 the personal reconnection vancouver

The Reconnection ® is an accelerated exchange of the energy, light and information found in the Reconnective Healing Frequencies.

It is a focused formation to connect three systems: the ley lines of our planet, the meridian lines of the human body and the universal energy grid.

The Reconnection is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that ties us back into a timeless system of intelligence.

Originally the meridian lines (sometimes called acupuncture lines) on our bodies were connected to the grid lines that encircle the planet and cross at acknowledged power places such as Machu Picchu and Sedona. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire universe.

images-3Each of our bodies contains its own set of energetic lines and points and, although only remnants of what they once were, these lines and points continue to serve as our interface with the universe. This interface is a channel that facilitates our communication of energy, light and information between large and small, macrocosm and microcosm, the universe and humankind. As theory has it, at one point in time we became disconnected from these lines and lost access to the fullness of our inherent connection to the universe, distancing us from our previously rapid and expansive rate of evolution. The Reconnection brings in new axiatonal lines that reconnect us on a more powerful and evolved level than ever before. These lines are part of a timeless network of intelligence, a parallel-dimensional system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.

How does The Reconnection work?

The process is done via a two-session experience in-person, usually over two days with a maximum gap of 72 hours. Each session lasts for about 30-45 minutes on the table followed by a debrief.  You would be fully clothed on the table. The session is done hands off the body which is safe and non-intrusive.

Although the two are not completely separate processes, to obtain the full benefits of each, your Reconnective Healing sessions and your Reconnection sessions are to be experienced on separate occasions. It is not required but ideal to have experienced Reconnective Healing before receiving the Reconnection.

What would I expect during the session?

Same as Reconnective Healing, simply relax and notice what you notice and be as open to experiencing ‘nothing’ as you are to experiencing “something.” It is best if you do not try to meditate, pray or do any other form of mind work.

There is no talking during the session until I let you know that it is finished, which we would debrief about your experience.

Other suggestions:

  • Good to be hydrated before and after the session.
  • Do not wear fragrances
  • Do not mix your session with any other types of energy work/practices before and after because it would dilute the purity of this work

What kind of possible results may I experience?

Possible results may be noticeable very quickly or may unfold over a period of time, depending on each individual. It activates an accelerated process of your life journey.

  • increased self esteem and self empowerment
  • connection to self
  • a feeling of “getting on track”, or having more clarity on your life path and purpose
  • feeling strongly “grounded” and present in the physical world
  • persistent challenges or patterns of the past disappearing, or greatly reduced.
  • intuitive abilities are greatly expanded and enhanced
  • taking life in a more calm, peaceful, and manageable way

Who is it for?

Anyone who:

  • is interested in accelerating their life paths or evolution
  • likes to embrace change
  • wants an “upgrade”

Can this be received as distance healing instead of being in person?

No, The Reconnection can only be facilitated in-person.