
Vancouver massage practitioner bodyworker offering therapeutic massage on the back.

You can find quality holistic bodywork massage and healing offered by Constance at Heartspace Massage and Healing Arts in downtown Vancouver. Her work can assist you in releasing physical tension, relaxation, rejuvenation and re-alignment.

You would receive a clearing and improvement in your overall well-being. If you want or are ready to go deeper, the sessions may help bring awareness to habitual patterns, unconscious material and stuck emotions/ traumas.

Most importantly, the intention is to re-align you to your natural state of being. The remembering of this state results in being more present and conscious, along with more freedom and joy.

These are her current offerings:

For a more extensive experience or a personal retreat in the city, see Heartspace Personal Retreat.

Book your bodywork or massage session with Constance in downtown Vancouver BC.